Animals in LOVE
There is strong scientific evidence that animals experience a spectrum of emotions - including, yes, LOVE.
As far back as Pythagoras, great minds believed that animals were able to experience emotions such as joy, fear, jealousy, compassion and other feelings, including those rightfully interpreted as "love".
Here at CHFS, long time residents Jimmie and Willie display on the daily, a richly expressed affection for one another.
Jimmie and Willie
In addition, we have for years witnessed a clear and consistent demonstration of love between mother Rosebud and her offspring Cassidy.
Rosebud and her baby, Cassidy
Those who visit the sanctuary will also see firsthand these and many other obvious displays of familiar emotions.
Love Among Species
It has even been widely documented that varying inter-species of animals act in accordance with the principles of love towards each other.
For one example, the famous affectionate duo Bubbles the elephant and Bella, a black labrador retriever.
Bubbles and Bella. Image: Barry Bland
And quite a few representations of this phenomenon exist at Changing Hearts Farm Sanctuary, such as Daffy the sheep and fast friend Joey the blind calf.
Daffy and Joey
Not reserved for human animals alone
In fact, it might be argued that we have much to learn about love from other animals. Firstly, they do not judge. Furthermore they are uncritical, hold no expectations, and offer their affection freely - without demand.
Pig love. Image: Sisu Refuge
"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to." ~Alfred Montaperte