What Every Animal Lover Should Know About Animal Farming
It’s a day I will never forget.
On my own in a new town, I stopped in for breakfast at a restaurant highly recommended by many of my friends—some of whom were vegetarian, like myself.
After ordering scrambled eggs and hash browns with a cheese biscuit, I picked up a random pamphlet from a display.
Little did I know, this pamphlet, published by PETA, would change my life.
Immediately upon opening it, my eyes went agog as they rested upon photos showcasing the horrific reality of battery caged hens and baby calves in tiny crates.
Hens in battery cages
Calves in hutches
Until that moment, I did not realize that my scrambled eggs and cheese biscuits were contributing to such suffering.
As an animal lover, I believed I was doing my part to avoid participating in animal cruelty in the food system by being vegetarian. I didn’t recognize the harm in continuing to eat eggs and dairy products.
At first, I felt foolish. How could I not be aware of the brutality?
Then I felt angered. Why didn’t I know about these atrocities?
In that instant, I devoted myself to learning all I could about the appalling realities of factory farming. Realities that are being concealed from compassionate people who, if they knew the truth, would make different buying and dietary decisions.
One of the first things I did was begin educating myself through the many resources available online. I searched out and watched documentaries, such as From Farm to Fridge and Meet Your Meat.
Watching these documentaries led to an unavoidable point of clarity.
There was no way around it—anywhere and everywhere animals are used for food, there is suffering.
It was with this realization that I committed to becoming vegan.
Not long after, I began to volunteer with farm animal sanctuaries and looked for other opportunities to help the kinds of animals I had unknowingly been harming. I became a sponsor of a rescued farmed animal by making a monthly donation to their care. I spoke out on their behalf. I evolved.
Eventually, the desire to start a sanctuary was sparked.
It hasn’t been an easy road, but today I can proudly say that we’ve built a beautiful, safe haven and refuge for farmed animals.
We are proud to offer the opportunity to visit our sanctuary and meet our beloved rescued residents.
We believe that when you meet the animals who call CHF home, you’ll see how deserving and precious farmed animals truly are.